PSU adds provost to vice president's title
The addition of provost to Scott’s title reflects a trend in higher education, Bryant said, that distinguishes the top academic administrator who takes a leadership role with faculty and academic issues.
“The new title is a better reflection of the work that Dr. Scott has done for some time,” said Bryant. “It also acknowledges the fact that academics is and always has been the university’s first priority.”
Scott, a native of Baxter Springs, Kan., earned a BSEd in mathematics from PSU in 1973, an MS in mathematics from Oklahoma State University in 1977, and an Ed.D. from Oklahoma State University in 1990.
Scott began his lifelong career in education as a teacher and coach at the Riverton Junior and Senior High Schools. He also taught and coached at the Miami (Okla.) Public Schools. Scott joined the PSU faculty in 1989 as an assistant professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. In 1995, Scott was named chairman of the Department of Special Services and Leadership Studies. From 1999 until 2006, he served as dean of the College of Education and was named vice president for academic affairs in 2006.
Among his many responsibilities at PSU, Scott has been highly involved in the university’s strategic planning process, academic program review, accreditation, and meeting the university’s performance agreements with the Kansas Board of Regents.
Scott is a recipient of the PSU Outstanding Alumni Award, the Office of Multicultural Affairs’ PSU Outstanding Chairperson Award, and the Southeast Kansas Education Service Center’s Putting Kids First Award.
Scott and his wife, Cathy, live in Pittsburg. They have two grown children, Kylie and Phillip.
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