Outstanding Senior Man and Woman to address graduates

Nicholas Dellasega, an accounting and finance major from Pittsburg, was named Outstanding Senior Man. Ashley Lopez, a communications and public relations major also from Pittsburg, was named Outstanding Senior Woman.
The students were selected for the honor earlier this spring. Each year, students are nominated and then selected by faculty and staff with the assistance of a committee. The Outstanding Senior Man and Woman are chosen based on their academic performance and campus involvement. This is the 54th year for the award.
Dellasega, who graduated in December 2007, works at KPMG LLP, a public accounting firm in Kansas City. At PSU, Dellasega was named Student Employee of the Year in 2007, Homecoming King in 2006, and was an MIAA Presidential Scholar. He was a member of the Crimson Club, Lambda Sigma Honor Society, Kappa Mu Epsilon, the Newman Club, Omicron Delta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, and was a four-year letterman with the PSU football team. He worked on-campus for the Office of Career Services, and was the recipient of multiple scholarships.
Lopez, who finishes her degree this semester, plans to attend graduate school this fall. She also received many awards and scholarships during her time at PSU including the PSU Achievement Scholarship, the Outstanding Student of Diversity Award, the Prichett Trust Scholarship, and the John Fleck Memorial Scholarship. She held leadership roles with organizations such as Up ‘til Dawn, Students Today Alumni Tomorrow, the Senior Gift Council, and served with the Presidential Emerging Leaders Program, Student Ambassadors, and Crimson Club, among many others. She worked on-campus in the Degree Checking Office during part of her time at PSU.
Commencement exercises for students in the College of Education and the College of Technology will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Friday. Students in the College of Arts & Sciences and the College of Business will graduate at 10 a.m. on Saturday.
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