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News and information from Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, Kansas.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Class offers students cooking basics

Everything your mother never taught you about cooking

They may watch Food TV on cable, but it’s no secret that many college students find themselves away from home for the first time with limited skills in the kitchen. The Pittsburg State University Student Activities Council and Sodexho Food Services hope to remedy that with a couple of basic cooking classes for students.

The two classes, set for 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 6 and 13, will be held in the Crimson and Gold Ballroom in the Overman Student Center. Trained professionals will offer instruction on kitchen safety, proper cutting techniques and basic food preparation. There is no fee for the class, but participants must register beforehand in the SAC office in the lower level of the student center or by e-mail at sac@pittstate.edu. Organizers stress that it is important for participants to attend both classes.

For information, contact the SAC office, 620-235-4801 or by e-mail at sac@pittstate.edu.

---Pitt State---