Fischer stepping down as Journal of Managerial Issues editor

Dr. Chuck Fischer, who has served as a professor of economics at PSU for 34 years, is handing over the reins of PSU’s Journal of Managerial Issues to Dr. Bienvenido Cortes, chairman of the Department of Economics, Finance and Banking.
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the publication, which has been produced quarterly under Fischer’s leadership. Persistently recruiting the best and brightest to lead it (many Ivy Leaguers are among the 150-member board), Fischer founded the journal to serve as a bridge of communication between those who study management and those who practice it.
“It has been a huge job for me, so I’m praying for the new editor,” Fischer said with a laugh. “
Being an editor of a publication like this is like a dark hole for time. It can be very labor intensive if you want quality.”

Over the past two decades, the Journal of Managerial Issues has drawn submissions from authors worldwide. With a rejection rate of 80 percent, Fischer and his team of reviewers search for articles on cutting-edge topics, guiding authors through a rigorous revision process and offering prompt, constructive criticism to those who don’t make the cut. “For someone under the tenure gun,” Fischer said, “that means a lot.”
The journal has also been an impressive source of revenue for the college. In the past five years, it has provided $120,000 in student scholarships.
“Nationally, we have worked to publish something that pushes the boundaries and provides new insights,” Fischer said. “I think the key to our success has been providing good service to authors and readers. We’re fortunate that Dr. Cortes has the talent and interest to lead it into the future.”
(Pictured above, Dr. Chuck Fischer; and below, Dr. Bienvenido Cortes.)
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