Professor speaks on dealing with difficult people

Pittsburg State University will welcome Maag, a professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and nationally recognized author and speaker, this week as part of the Summer Institute offered by the Department of Psychology and Counseling.
Maag, an expert on managing resistance and dealing with difficult people, has published over 90 articles and book chapters. One of them, “Parenting Without Punishment,” won a Parent’s Choice award. He will present his two-day workshop from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday and Friday in Hughes Hall, Room 316.
In “You Can’t Make Me! Approaches and Techniques for Managing Resistance,” he discusses why children and adults act resistant and difficult, and what others can do to change that. He argues that resistance in others originates from our behavior toward them, and that we have the power to change that.
“We spend a lot of time trying to get others to be more cooperative and receptive to our suggestions and to follow our instructions,” he said. “There are ways to change our behavior that can reduce resistance in others.”
Dr. Rick Lindskog, a Psychology and Counseling professor at PSU, says Maag’s headlining lecture is a big asset to the Summer Institute.
“His lecture is generating a lot of interest from professionals in the region,” Lindskog said.
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