Professor to lead national counseling association

Dr. Donald Ward, a professor in the Department of Psychology and Counseling, has been named as upcoming president of the Association for Specialists in Group Work, an international scholarly society that is a division of the American Counseling Association.
Ward, who has belonged to the organization for the past 30 years, was awarded the post in March. His three-year term begins July 1.
“It takes some careful planning and good support from the university, but I value the scholarly commitment,” Ward said. In addition to leading the group of approximately 1,000 members, he will plan and coordinate the organization’s annual convention, lead four national meetings a year, and continue to serve as editor of the ASGW newsletter. “It’s exciting and daunting, but I feel very honored. It will surely keep me active and alive in the later years of my teaching career.”
At PSU, Ward serves as chairman of the Counseling Committee, teaching primarily graduate courses in clinical psychology, school counseling and school psychology. Much of his work focuses on group dynamics.
“All accredited counselors should be prepared to work with groups, because it seems our society is now more receptive to group work and connecting,” he said. “There’s a demand for cooperative learning and group work in the delivery of mental health services. I love to see how it is helping people.”
---Pitt State---
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