AxeDigital puts photos online
The Ira Clemens Photo Album is a collection of photographs and postcards compiled by Ira Clemens in 1923. The Gordon Parks Collection contains selected photographs relating to the filming of “The Learning Tree.”
"AxeDigital will allow the entire world to access some of the hidden treasures of PSU's Special Collections through the Internet," said Robert Walter, dean of Learning Resources. “The first two collections that are available for viewing now are the beginnings of what we hope will become a large collection of digitized information from Axe Library Special Collections.”
Randy Roberts, curator of Special Collections, said Janette Mauk, senior administrative assistant; Morgan McCune, cataloging librarian; and David Nance, library systems manager, did the work of digitizing and organizing the collections and providing the technology needed to put the collections online. 
Additional collections will be added over time, Roberts said.
For information, visit AxeDigital at or call Axe Library Special Collections at 620-235-4880.
At right: A photo of Gordon Parks, and an image of Carona, Kan., both from the new online collection.
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