Oklahoma rock band performs at GorillaFest

Winter Circle began as a local Oklahoma City pop rock band just two years ago. Today, the group is in demand at rock concerts across the U.S. They have earned considerable commercial radio support and their music has been featured on MTV's "The Gauntlet II," "The Real World-Key West," and "Cheyenne."
Winter Circle’s latest CD is "The Huge and the Hopeful."
In addition to Winter Circle's performance, GorillaFest includes free games for kids by students in the Department of Health, Human Performance and Recreation; various student organization booths, a Gorilla memorabilia store by Barnes & Noble and a wide variety of tailgate foods prepared by local vendors.
The highlight of each GorillaFest is a pep rally at approximately 1:10 p.m. led by the Pride of the Plains Marching Band and the PSU Spirit Squad.
For more information on GorillaFest, contact Ron Womble at 620-235-4124, kwomble@pittstate.edu.
For information on Winter Circle and to listen to a sample of their music, visit their Web site at www.wintercircle.com.
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